What is the nexus?

First invoked during the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, the humanitarian-development-peace nexus or “triple nexus” has become a driving effort by aid organizations to overcome sectoral divisions and move towards a more holistic way for delivering assistance to vulnerable communities.

Nexus approaches recognize that addressing protracted conflict situations requires longer-term, more integrated interventions that go beyond providing immediate humanitarian relief or promoting economic growth and which focus on protecting human rights and addressing the root causes of crises.

What is The NRM

The Nexus Response Mechanism is part of the European Union’s global effort to operationalize the nexus through evidence-based, community-centred programming that bridges the divides between the humanitarian, development and peace sectors. Our objective is to contribute to long-term peace and national reconciliation, security, stability and sustainable development by reducing the vulnerability, building the resilience, and protecting the rights of conflict- and disaster-affected communities across Myanmar.


The NRM is focused on changing how our projects are developed and implemented. Our approach consists of three pillars:
We plan to implement more holistic programmes by breaking down the humanitarian, development, and peace sectoral silos and integrating human rights into our interventions and advocacy. Our mechanisms for doing so include joint assessments, thematic- and area-based programmes, and participatory design.
We seek to be transformative by targeting root causes of crises, challenging exclusionary power dynamics, fostering greater inclusion and equity, and advancing new and more flexible aid delivery modalities. This encompasses policy dialogue and support for structural change and localization, crosscut by focuses on inclusion and agency.
As a pilot initiative for a relatively untested approach, we will ensure we remain accountable to our stakeholders (including communities, partners and donors) by employing programmatic and independent analysis, downward accountability mechanisms, and communities of learning.

Working Systemically

The NRM’s projects and programs are aimed at contributing to eight cross-cutting systemic changes:

Expansion of sustainable, inclusive and fair livelihood opportunities
More responsive and inclusive services (health, education, WASH, nutrition, social protection, financial inclusion, humanitarian, etc).
Increased voice and influence of civil society
Conflict transformation and enhanced social cohesion
Transformation of gender norms and practices
Protection of the environment and climate change resilience
Creating conducive conditions for safe return of IDPs and refugees and the realisation of durable solutions
Transformative and evidence-based policy and institutional change


The NRM’s work is grounded in rigorous research and rights-focused research, and contextual monitoring carried out by its in-house Conflict Analysis and Research Facility. The CAR Facility is instrumental in carrying out the joint assessments and scoping reports that underpin the NRM’s programming and managing the NRM’s Response Perspective Platform – a discussion series aimed at providing more in-depth examinations of critical issues in the national and international response.

Structure and Governance

The NRM is made up of four components:

The Steering Committee makes decisions on the NRM’s direction, programming priorities and funding allocation. It is composed of representatives from contributing donors.

The Secretariat is responsible for implementing the Steering Committee’s decisions and providing effective, transparent and efficient management of the NRM and its programmes and projects. The Secretariat is managed by UNOPS.

The Conflict Analysis and Research Facility is a research unit responsible for carrying out the joint assessments and contextual monitoring that underpin the NRM’s programming. A third-party service provider leads it.

Implementing Partners, including local, national and international NGOs, civil society organizations, UN agencies and others, deliver the NRM’s programming across Myanmar.

Our Donors

Funded by
European Union
Managed by