Myan Ku Fund


  • Yangon

Budget (USD)





Since April 2020, the NRM has partnered with Sequa gGmbH and Wave Money to transfer more than 8 billion Myanmar Kyat to garment workers who have been affected by factory shutdowns due to COVID-19. More than 60,000 unemployed and underemployed workers — 84% of whom are women— in every state and region have been able to receive weekly cash transfers averaging at 78,000 Myanmar Kyat for up to three months, helping to pay bills and stave off evictions for a highly vulnerable workforce. In 2021, the Myan Ku Fund has continued to provide cash assistance to vulnerable workers, focusing on pregnant workers, mothers of young children, and workers in extreme economic hardship. It has also expanded its provision of telemedicine assistance, making doctors available to all cash recipients, and increased its focus on identifying and remediating child workers while providing support to their families.


sequa gGmbH, Digital Money Myanmar Ltd.

Sub Partners

CESD Pyi Gyi Khin