Mine Action Program to Promote Durable Solutions
Budget (USD)1,636,905 |
Number of grants3 |
StatusOngoing |
DescriptionDeploying Technical Capacity to Conduct Marking and Fencing of Hazardous Areas in IDP Return and Resettlement Sites in Kachin State, Myanmar (MAG); Contributing to durable and inclusive solutions in the Southeast (DCA); Protection of vulnerable communities against landmines and ERW through EORE, NTS and marking operations in Kayah State, Myanmar (MAG) The NRM is working with the Mines Advisory Group and DanChurchAid to implement a cross-cutting mine action programme in Kayah, Kayin, and Kachin States. The programme focuses on mine risk education and the training of Myanmar’s first multi-task teams who will be equipped to conduct baseline, non-technical and, where permitted, technical surveys in government and non-government controlled areas. These surveys are critical for demarcating contaminated land for mine clearance later on, while also ensuring the safety of community members through greater awareness. |
PartnersMines Advisory Group, DanChurchAid |
Sub PartnersCommittee for Internally Displaced Karen People Karenni Social Development and Welfare Center (KSWDC) Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC) Karuna Mission Social Solidarity (KMSS) Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) |